Organic blood circulation tea View larger

In a paper bag (100gr) Gambettes Mignonnettes

New product

Our retail bags are ideal as a refill for our jars or bowls, or as a cheap organic gift.

They are completely biodegradable and made of brown kraft paper, with paper fibers produced from certified sustainable forestry.

The window face and interior lining is made from a bio-film, which also decomposes naturally.

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7,90 €

  • Much more sexy than surgical stockings, our Gambettes-Mignonnettes-tea, organic like all herbal teas from Aurore de Provence, combines six tasty plants with circulation-enhancing qualities.We do not say that Gambettes Mignonnettes herbal tea will transform you into a young dance god - but how about skipping with your children on pavements? 
    Our tea mixture stimulates your circulation, your thighs will be light and your calves graceful. There it is - the tea mixture, which puts a smile on your face.

    Organic ingredients: grapevine leaves, rosemary, hawthorn, eucalyptus, nettle, horsetail

    100 grams

  • Add Testimonial

    Catherine BOIRON
    Très contente de cette tisane qui a résorbé complètement mon œdème aux jambes. Aussi, j'en bois une théière entière tous les matins depuis 3 mois, et m'en félicite ! Je recommande fortement de produit.

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    J'alterne entre les tisanes "gambettes mignonnettes" et "Bon bidon" et je dois dire qu'en plus d'être délicieuses, elles sont très efficaces ! En ce moment, j'aime particulièrement les boire froides. Elles sont très désaltérantes.

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